2024-2025 Program for Chapter Activities


The Program for Chapter Activities (PCA) serves as a guide to each chapter in planning its own programs and activities. The chapter programs and activities should reflect each chapter's unique student membership and environment.

The Program for Chapter Activities establishes guidelines for a minimum level of chapter activity as well as guidelines for chapters who seek recognition for outstanding performance. In addition, the Program for Chapter Activities incorporates features designed to:

  • Encourage chapters to fulfill the objectives of Beta Alpha Psi and prepare members for careers as financial information professionals,
  • Identify chapters needing assistance from Chapter Advocates and Professional Partners, and
  • Recognize chapters excelling in serving its members, campus, community, and/or profession.

The Program for Chapter Activities applies to both current and petitioning chapters. Petitioning chapters are eligible for award status, but requirements will not be prorated for petitioning chapters who begin the petitioning process during the reporting year.


Chapters must meet certain requirements depending upon the desired achievement level (bronze (mission-based), silver, gold). The requirements include submission of the following:

  • Reports
  • Initiation
  • Professional Activities 
  • Reaching Out Activities 
  • Service Activities 

Chapters not meeting the mission-based requirements (see below) are placed on probation or continuing review status for the subsequent year. A chapter may not remain in continuing review status for more than one year.


Chapter Achievement Level

Beginning of Year Report (BOY) Mid-Year Report Initiation End-of-Year Report (EOY) Reaching Out Activities (ROA) Professional Activities Service Activities
Bronze (Mission-based) Yes No Yes Yes 3 6 2
Silver Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 *10 4
Gold Yes Yes Yes Yes 11 *12 6

*Award seeking chapters must include at least 1 mandatory "Essential Skills* session (Refer to Essential Skills topics under Professional Activities). 

All chapters seeking Gold and Platinum status must attend either the Annual Meeting or a Mid-Year Meeting. To win Platinum, you must submit for the competition (formerly known as the Gold challenge).


In planning for each year, a chapter should organize activities to meet the requirements of one of the following chapter achievement levels:

  • Bronze (Mission based) chapter
  • Silver chapter
  • Gold chapter

Chapters striving for the silver, gold and platinum levels are considered award-seeking chapters. 


Annually, Beta Alpha Psi recognizes outstanding achievement as follows:

  1. Up to 10 chapters receive the Platinum Challenge Award and a financial award contributed by the KPMG Foundation.
  2. Gold Chapters receive a recognition plate upon request.
  3. Silver Chapters will be recognized by Beta Alpha Psi.
  4. Best Practices Awards sponsored by Deloitte are given each year based on criteria established by the Board of Directors.
  5. Beta Alpha Psi Inclusive Leadership Awards sponsored by EY are available to approximately four chapters who made an impact on diversity and inclusiveness within Beta Alpha Psi and/or its respective school/community.
  6. Project Run With It sponsored by Moss Adams Foundation furthers the community service component of Beta Alpha Psi. Each chapter represented on a first-place team (three first place teams) receives a plaque (bearing the name of the participating student and chapter) and a cash award.
  7. The AICPA Foundation provides an annual award for the Medal of Inspiration.
  8. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) awards recognize achievement in the preparation of tax returns through an Internal Revenue Service program.


Award seeking chapters will be notified of accomplished award status no later than July 1. A chapter may appeal its awarded level of achievement. Appeals must be in writing (e-mail is acceptable) and must be received by the Beta Alpha Psi Executive Office within 10 business days of the receipt of notification of award status. The letter of appeal should include evidence in support of the appeal. Any appeals will be forwarded by the Executive Office to the Chapter Advocacy Council (CAC). The CAC reviews the appeal and votes to uphold the award level or award a higher chapter achievement level based on the facts and circumstances of the appeal. All decisions of the CAC are final.


For the purpose of measurement of an activity’s time, an hour consists of a 50-minute session. Thus, an activity lasting 50 minutes will be awarded one service or professional activity point. All activities need to be reported in the Reporting Intranet, but only activities with 20% attendance or higher will count as a point towards award status.



Prior to reporting, please review the Reporting Intranet Resources Guide to become familiar with the reporting process. A reporting guide and webinar recording are available on the BAP.org site under "Resources".


All U.S. chapters must submit a Beginning of Year Report by October 15.

All Oceania Region chapters must submit the Beginning of Year Report by June 15.

To complete this report, go to the “Enter Beginning of Year Report” tab in the Reporting Intranet and:

  1. Update the Chapter Profile. This section lists current officers, Faculty Advisor, and other information.
  2. Enter the Plan of Activities, including dates and programs (either planned or anticipated) detailing the chapter's plan for fulfilling the mission-based activities.
  3. If the chapter bylaws have changed from the previous year, attach a copy of the revised bylaws. If the bylaws have not changed, click on “No Changes Needed.”
  4. Pay annual chapter maintenance fee online by credit card or by check payable to Beta Alpha Psi. Once the payment has been confirmed, the Executive Office will check off this box as “received.” An invoice may be printed from the Reporting Intranet.


All US chapters must declare themselves as award seeking (if applicable) on the Chapter Profile page by December 15 and complete fall semester reporting by December 15.

In addition, ALL petitioning and probation chapters are required to complete a midyear report.

All Oceania Region chapters must declare themselves as award seeking and complete mid-year reports by August 15.


All US chapters must prepare and submit an End-of-Year Report by June 1.

All Oceania chapters must complete the End-of-Year Report by December 15.

NOTE: Failure to file the End-of-Year Report by the deadline will result in a $100 late filing penalty.

A reporting guide and webinar recording are available under Reporting Intranet Resources.

Submitting End of Year Report: Go to the “Enter End of Year Report” tab in the Reporting Intranet and:

  1. Update the Chapter Profile page.
  2. Attach the chapter’s Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Activities. See the Financial Reporting Guide for more information. These statements may be attached in Word, Excel or PDF format.
  3. Complete the chapter reporting including updating all professional and service activities.
  4. Complete the Faculty Advisor Sign-Off (must be completed by the Faculty Advisor, logged in under his/her password).

This sign-off requires the Faculty Advisor to:

  1. Verify both the Beta Alpha Psi and Non-Beta Alpha Psi activities reported by the Chapter
  2. Complete the tax information:
    • Chapters with revenue less than $50,000 submit the online 990n e-Postcard filing and include the submission ID from the Acceptance screen. Please also forward a screenshot of the Acceptance screen to the Executive Office. Please be aware you will not receive an email confirmation from the IRS. You must login to the IRS site after you have filed to check the status.
    • Chapters with average gross receipts for the past three years exceeding $50,000 must also download the Over $50K spreadsheet can be downloaded from the Financial Reporting Guide.
  3. Chapters with revenue less than $50,000 submit the online 990n e-Postcard filing and include the submission ID from the Acceptance screen. Please also forward a screenshot of the Acceptance screen to the Executive Office (bap@bap.org). Please be aware you will not receive an email confirmation from the IRS. You must login to the IRS site after you have filed to check the status.
  4. Chapters with average gross receipts for the past three years exceeding $50,000 must also download the Over $50K spreadsheet can be downloaded from the Financial Reporting Guide.
  5. Complete the financial statement sign-off. If you indicate your chapter had gross receipts over $100,000 for the past year, you must also attach an auditor’s report. See the Reporting Intranet Resources for more information.
  6. Submit the entire sign-off by June 1. To qualify as an award chapter, all required chapter reporting must be completed by US chapters by June 1.
  7. Only under extreme circumstances will exceptions be considered by the Board.


An Impact Activity is a Professional or Service Activity that demonstrates a strong effect has been made to your university or community. Impact activities earn an extra point toward award status (i.e., an extra professional or service point). Impact activities may include but are not limited to the following elements:

  • Media Promotion (TV or Print)
  • Tutoring
  • Mentoring
  • Financial Volunteer Support (donating accounting or bookkeeping services)
  • Sharing business/college knowledge (e.g. volunteering with high school, incoming freshmen, and undeclared students)
  • VITA (Impact Requirements Below)
  • Community College Outreach
  • AACSB Societal Impact Goal for your business school


Chapters are encouraged to generate impact points in ways that are best suited for them but are welcome to use the below suggestions to earn impact points.

Media Promotion or Tutoring Impact Point

Your chapter conducts a school supplies drive for a local elementary school (20% attendance = 1 Service point). Add media promotion or a tutoring session to that activity for young children in reading or math and earn an Impact point. The addition of media promotion or tutoring provides 2 points for one Service Activity. 

Your chapter volunteers to provide a presentation to undeclared freshman students at our university or high school seniors who are not familiar with the benefits that the accounting, finance, business technology and analytics professions offer. (20% attendance = 1 Service point). Invite a local business professional and/or business school dean and feature the event in a local paper or local TV station. Earn 2 points for one Professional Activity. 

Your chapter offers to conduct tutoring sessions with local community college students. The tutoring sessions should be reported as one activity for fall and one activity for spring semester.

Earn 2 points for each session for more than 5 community college students tutored. Students can include enrolled two-year students and four-year transfer students.

Mentorship Impact Point

Conduct a case study or financial literacy activity with a group of high school or university students (20% attendance = 1 Professional point). Add a “Pay it Forward” component where the engaged students conduct the same activity with other students. The addition of the Pay it Forward component provides 2 points for one Professional Activity. 

Financial Volunteer Support Impact Point

Your chapter volunteers at an animal shelter by socializing the animals and cleaning the kennels (20% attendance = 1 Service point). Assisting the shelter with financial support or bookkeeping services would provide 2 points for one Service Activity. (Financial Volunteer Support Impact Point). Consulting or compensated services will not qualify for this Impact point. 

Sharing Business/College Knowledge Impact Point

Your chapter volunteers through Junior Achievement at a local high school (20% attendance = 1 Service point). Provide students with information on selecting and applying for colleges to earn 2 points for one Service Activity.

Volunteer to assist incoming freshmen with the FAFSA application through your school (20% attendance = 1 Service point). Provide a presentation on the job opportunities for attaining a degree in accounting, finance, business technology and analytics to earn 2 points for one Service Activity.

VITA Impact Point

We encourage all chapters to participate in VITA, but to earn the VITA impact point, chapters must meet the following requirements:

    • The VITA event must be BAP/University sponsored
    • The chapter must meet the 20% participation rule
    • Chapter must complete the VITA report form found here and submit by the designated deadline. If the report is not submitted by the deadline, the chapter will not earn the VITA impact point.

Community College Outreach Impact Point

Your chapter conducts a professional activity with a local community college (20% attendance = 1 Professional Activity point). Include local community college students to attend your on-campus meetings or at the participating community college campus and earn 2 points for one Professional Activity.

AACSB Societal Impact Point

If your business school has defined a Societal Impact Goal for their AACSB standard 9 accreditation requirement, and your chapter hosts a service activity that meets that specific Societal Impact goal, (20% attendance) your chapter may earn 2 points for one Service Activity. 


Utilize the dropdown function in the Reporting Intranet to report Impact Points and complete the Wufoo form with evidence of impact (e.g., descriptive paragraph, attestation, photos or videos) demonstrating how your activity meets the impact points guidelines above. 


All chapters must report at least six professional activities per year meeting the following requirements:

  • Participation by at least 20% of the active members/candidates for the semester, and
  • the activity must be at least 1 hour (50 minutes) in duration
  • These activities must be reported on the online Report Activity screen in the Reporting Intranet. See Reporting Intranet Resources for help with reporting.

Award-seeking chapters (Silver and Gold) must conduct one mandatory professional session devoted to "Essential Skills". Professional activities may be conducted on campus, virtually, as a chapter, or individually. Attendance from each member/candidate professional session (on-campus or online) should be reported as:

  • Chapter Professional Development Meetings (identify if Essential Skill)
  • Individual Professional Development (identify if Essential Skill). Examples include:
    • Independent certificate course
    • Independent webinars that are at least 50-minutes
    • Recorded professional development sessions via the Alumni and Member Network
  • Virtual Professional Meeting (reported the same as any on-campus professional activity). Chapters can pick and choose professional topics from the list below.

Chapter professional development meetings:

  • Activity or meeting with a professional organization
  • Webcast and Webinar Resources from our Professional Partners (available on our website)
  • Joint meetings with professional organizations
  • Joint meetings with on-campus organizations
  • Local seminars/workshops (not those involving “paid” tuition)
  • Field trips and office visits 
  • Meet-the-Firms Night or Activity (must be a single event where multiple firms are represented and the purpose is to provide a significant number of students with information about various firms and industries. This should not be strictly a recruiting event)
  • Publications (articles or news notes for newsletter; copy of publication must be submitted to the Executive Office for credit)
  • Executive-in-Residence/Professor-for-a-Day programs 
  • Mock interview activity (must be an event where multiple firms are represented and all member/candidates are eligible to participate, not a recruiting event)
  • Social activities with professionals – up to two activities per year with a maximum time of 1 hour (50 minutes) per activity
  • Student Driven Professional Sessions – Chapters can invite professionals to attend a BAP meeting (in-person or virtually) where the students present various technical topics.

Credit is not given for prospective candidate meetings, chapter orientation meetings, chapter organizational meetings, chapter business/planning meetings, firm information sessions, inductions and other similar activities that provide no professional component.


Many students seek to obtain internships and full-time job opportunities through Beta Alpha Psi; however, once they have the job, they must develop their “essential skills” in order to succeed professionally. To aid this development, award-seeking chapters (Silver and Gold) must conduct one mandatory professional session devoted to “Essential Skills.”

Essential Skills activities must be entered into the Reporting Intranet as: ES-Topic Title

A list of Essential Skills topics is provided:

  • Business Writing Skills – Business writing skills are different from academic writing. This session conveys the basics of business writing skills that include standardizing, streaming, and reinforcing a company’s corporate culture by communicating in a professional manner.
  • Facilitation Skills – This session helps students learn what to expect in a professional situation involving a group discussion format. Learn how to create an inclusive environment to achieve group goals.
  • Managing Distractions – Emails, phone calls and co-workers stopping by your desk to talk creates distractions. This session covers how to handle inevitable disruptions and remain focused and productive.
  • Ethical Decision-Making Skills – Accountancy is based on trust. This session distinguishes one’s core values and ethical decision-making.
  • Negotiation Skills – Negotiation skills are extremely important in maintaining focus in one’s career. This session covers the basics of negotiations, information gathering, learning to listen, leveraging the situation, goals of the negotiation, costs of the negotiation, the bargaining phase and closing the negotiation process.
  • Conflict Management – Conflict in the workplace is a reality professionals encounter at some point in their careers. This session includes tips on how to quickly identify conflict, assess the issue, managing oneself and the parties involved and professionally resolving the issue.
  • Change Management – This session assists students in understanding what to expect and how to deal with change in the work environment whether it will be a departmental change or organizational change.
  • Emotional Intelligence – Studies have shown people with high emotional intelligence have greater mental health, exemplary job performance, and more potent leadership skills. This session includes identifying a person’s EQ and how to improve EQ.
  • Interpersonal Skills at the Workplace – Working with others is essential to networking and engaging with coworkers and clients. This session focuses on developing these skills and applying them to the workplace.
  • Team Collaboration & Workplace Engagement – Professional environments bring together varied work styles, experiences, and perspectives. This session explores how to foster respect, effective communication, and collaboration to enhance teamwork in the workplace. 
  • Accepting Feedback – The ability to accept feedback and learn from it is essential to individual development and growth. This session includes tips and strategies for accepting and delivering healthy feedback.


All chapters, regardless of achievement level, must report two service activities during the year meeting the following requirements:

  • Participation by at least 20% of the active members/candidates for the semester, and
  • the activity must be at least 1 hour (50 minutes) in duration.
  • These activities must be reported on the online Report Activity screen in the Reporting Intranet. See Reporting Intranet Resources for help with reporting.

Definition of Service Activities

The service category is intended to be flexible and adaptable to the needs and desires of individual chapters. Service is the giving of one’s time, energy and talents to benefit either the campus or local community. Community service involves making a difference to these entities through the actions of caring for others by the chapter and/or its members and includes direct service or indirect service. Direct service actively involves the chapter with a community group or organization (either on or off campus). Indirect service provides help or resources through a “round-about” approach and includes preparation time for charitable events, raising funds for charity, or assisting with “back office” functions such as accounting or computer systems. In evaluating community service, we suggest that the chapter consider the following questions.

  • How does this activity benefit the organization/individual(s) being assisted?
  • Why are we (am I) doing this?

To be reported as a service activity sponsored by Beta Alpha Psi, the event either:

  • must be organized and carried out by the Beta Alpha Psi chapter or
  • must involve participation by the members of the Beta Alpha Psi chapter as a group (in which case the chapter agrees to participate as a chapter and has promoted participation in the event).

Any money received from a service activity must be donated to a charitable organization or used for a charitable cause.

Chapters seeking Silver or Gold award levels must meet the required number of designated activities for each award recognition status. Service activities to report are:

  • Silver chapters: 4 service activities for the full reporting year
  • Gold chapters: 6 service activities for the full reporting year.

Examples of Service Activities

  • Community Impact page on BAP.org site
  • Volunteer Income Tax Assistance - VITA training time may be counted as a Professional Activity and VITA tax preparation volunteer time may be reported as a Service Activity. Each chapter reporting VITA as a service activity will be required to submit the VITA Summary Report. You can find the report here.
  • Volunteer to serve as a Host Chapter for the 2025 Mid-Year Meetings
  • Tutoring business school students and/or community college or high school students
  • Volunteering for non-profits such as: Habitat for Humanity, Big Brothers/big Sisters, Junior Achievement.
  • Organizing and/or participating in a charitable event such as: fundraising projects for charity, food drives (note: must organize, not just donate), blood drive or walk or bowl-a-thons. 
  • Volunteering to assist with university events such as career fairs, etc.
  • Hosting a financial literacy event 
  • Mentoring business school students and/or community college or high school students

Activities not constituting community service include:

    • assisting friends or family
    • volunteering to participate in events where the underlying purpose is recruitment.
    • activities for which members receive course credit (with the exception of VITA) are not considered service activities.
    • donating non-perishable food items to a non-profit organization cannot serve as a substitute for a service activity. We suggest chapter events that include organizing and working at a food drive event. Creating pantry packs and providing words of encouragement with the pantry packs is encouraged.


All chapters must participate in Reaching Out activities during the year. The following number of activities are required for each achievement level:

  • Bronze (Mission Based) - 3 activities
  • Silver (formerly Distinguished) - 8 activities
  • Gold (formerly Superior) - 11 activities

Reporting Reaching Out activities: Chapters should update the “Report Activity > Reaching Out Activities” tab on the Reporting Intranet by December 15 and June 1. Even though more than one chapter member may attend an event, such as a Mid-Year Meeting, only one credit is received for the Reaching Out activity. Most activities also result in participation (professional or service) for the individual(s) attending the event.

These activities should be recorded on the online activity reporting screens in the Reporting Intranet.

The following list includes items qualifying as a Reaching Out Activity (ROA):

Executive Office Sponsored ROAs

  • 2024 Annual Meeting Attendance (In-Person)
  • 2024 Annual Meeting - CID presentation attendance & participation in Back-to-School supplies drive.
  • 2024 Annual Meeting - (In-Person) Presentation/Best Practices or Chapter Operations
  • 2024 AAA/CTLA Meeting Attendance
  • Live Virtual Chapter Reporting 101 attendance 
  • Virtual Culture & Community event attendance (one ROA per academic year)
  • Live Virtual Initiation (Fall or Spring - one ROA per academic year)
  • Hosting or co-hosting 2025 Mid-Year Meeting – verified by Chapter Advocate
  • 2025 Mid-Year Meeting Attendance
  • 2025 Mid-Year Meeting Presentation (Best Practices and/or Chapter Operations)
  • Nomination for 2025 Outstanding Dean
  • Participation in 2025 Project Run With It
  • Nomination for either the Alumni Advocate or Regional Advocate roles
  • 1st round winner for EY Leadership Award 
  • Donation of 100 books to support literacy. A description of the event is required.
  • Mentoring a Developing Chapter – this mentoring relationship should be approved and supervised by the Chapter Advocate for your region.
  • View 2 podcasts produced by Beta Alpha Psi Alumni Advocates. A description of the events is required.
  • Chapter Podcast Takeover. Must obtain approval from EO. A description of the event is required.

All chapters seeking Gold status must attend either the Annual Meeting or a Mid-Year Meeting.

In addition to the items listed above, BAP chapters may sponsor Reaching Out Activities.

For each Reaching Out Activity sponsored by the chapter, upload a brief paragraph describing the activity on the Reporting Internet.

Chapter Sponsored ROAs

  • Wellness Session for Members and Candidates
    • This event emphasizes living well at home and may include virtual fitness classes, mindfulness sessions, weight management and nutrition sessions, importance of sleep and exercise sessions, health and wellness webinars.
  • Culture and Community awareness event (may include professional speaker or panel) – requires uploaded description of event (one ROA per academic year)
  • Undeclared Recruitment Event Live or Virtual
    • Presenting career information to a broad range of students or engaging in activities oriented toward the retention of undeclared students, interested in accounting, finance, data analytics and business technology fields.
    • The career orientation program(s) or activities should be directed toward students at the high school level or undecided university students.
    • Career materials are available from a variety of professional organizations. These presentations are intended to be group sessions. Booths at career fairs, activity fairs, "rush" events, or regular chapter meetings do not count in this category.
    • Other possible projects include special tutoring sessions solely for undeclared students, counseling sessions, mentoring programs exclusively for undeclared students, transition year counseling, and other types of activities oriented toward retention. 
    • Societal Impact Goal (AACSB) – requires uploaded description of event. Has your chapter identified a Societal Impact goal and how you can volunteer with service towards that goal? Example: Addressing hunger. The chapter can assist with volunteering with the business school's food drive activity.
  • Multi-Chapter Event
    • A professional or service activity co-sponsored with another Beta Alpha Psi chapter. In order to promote interaction between chapters, this co-sponsored event should involve at least 20% of each chapter’s current membership. Virtual multi-chapter events are welcome. BAP allows one “multi-chapter webcast” meeting per year. Chapters who conduct a webcast meeting will have to provide documentation demonstrating it incorporated controls to ensure members who logged in participated and were engaged in the webcast.
  • Promoting Careers in Accounting/Finance/Business Technology and Analytics Live or Virtual.
    • Chapters may report 2 events per year
    • This includes career orientations related to accounting, finance, business technology and analytics presented to pre-decision college students, college students from other majors, or junior high and high school students. Beta Alpha Psi events or programs presented to prospective Beta Alpha Psi candidates which are designed primarily to promote the areas of accounting, finance, business technology and analytics to undecided students but that have as a secondary effect promoting Beta Alpha Psi are acceptable. Virtual career fairs are acceptable to include online students from AACSB and ACBSP accredited online programs. Beta Alpha Psi orientation sessions for members/candidates do not qualify.
  • Alumni Activity
    • An Alumni event to promote communication between alumni and their alma mater. 25% chapter participation is required.
  • Literacy and/or College Application (or similar) Program
  • Chapters can participate in the events below or similar programs within its community; alternative programs must receive prior approval from the Executive Office in order to qualify.
    • 9/11 Day of Service  - We will accept service events that take place during the month of September.
    • American College Application Campaign - is an organization that organizes events at inner city or rural high schools where volunteers will help student complete college applications in the fall. BAP students would be a great resource for high school students to understand the application/college process.
  • Second initiation -  All initiations should be reported in the Reporting Intranet and the second initiation should be reported as a Reaching Out Activity. This may include the spring virtual initiation.
  • Community College Accounting Club Mentorship Program
  • High School Outreach 
    • Schedule a presentation at a local high school to introduce students to careers in accounting, finance, business technology or analytics
    • May help mentor high school students with college applications.
  • Natural Disaster Relief. Please upload a description of the event that includes the receiving organization.


For 2024-2025, chapters may elect to hold an in-person initiation or participate in the Executive Office's Virtual Initiation for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025. All chapters must attend at least one formal initiation\installation or virtual initiation event each year. During the event, officers will be installed and new members will be initiated using the procedures defined on the BAP website (https://www.bap.org/initiations). Initiations "in absentia" will only be allowed under extreme circumstances approved by the Board President.

Chapters may choose to have a second initiation\installation event during the academic year. This event qualifies as a Reaching Out Activity (ROA).  All installations and initiations are to be reported to the Executive Office.


Verify that the candidate meets the eligibility requirements prior to the initiation. When a candidate is initiated, the student record needs to be moved from Active Candidate folder to the Submit for Initiation folder in the Reporting Intranet. This serves as a notification to Executive Office to have membership certificates printed. If the chapter wants to receive membership certificates in time for the ceremony, Executive Office must be notified at least two weeks prior to initiation. Requests for certificates to be sent overnight delivery will cost $50. Effective January 2025, printed certificates will be sent only upon request. A digital certificate file may be requested.

Candidate Payment Process

  • Candidates should be entered into the Reporting Intranet on a monthly basis. Do not enter the candidates into the system until the $75 fee has been collected. 
  • Candidate dues must be paid within 60-days from the time the candidate record has been entered and saved to the Reporting Intranet. Once a record has been saved to the Reporting Intranet, the one-time $75 fee becomes a receivable to Beta Alpha Psi.
    • o   Chapters can either pay online via credit card or by check. Checks must be made payable to Beta Alpha Psi and mailed to the Executive Office - 9009 Town Center Parkway, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202.
    • A list of candidates for whom the check relates should accompany the check. Invoice with the list of candidates may be printed from the Reporting Intranet.
    • For payments made after 60-days, a late fee of $20 per candidate will be charged to the chapter.

Transfer Members

Chapters must contact the Executive Office in writing for verification of transfer members. Once the Executive Office has confirmed the transfer student is a member of BAP, the new chapter will enter them into the Reporting Intranet as a new candidate. The Executive Office then credits the $75 fee. If the transfer member requests a certificate from the new chapter, the chapter must pay the $15 processing fee.

The Online Student

The online student can meet service requirements via the same model as students on campus, only their hours would be recorded as “BAP-Service Activity for Online Students.” Examples of service hours they could report include:

  • Tutoring other online students in accounting, finance, digital technology and analytics
  • Tutoring high school students in math
  • Tutoring Community College students in accounting, finance, digital technology and analytics
  • Working with a local Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program

Pass this quiz and earn a Reaching Out Activity (ROA) Point

You must complete an 80% pass rate to earn the ROA - Take Quiz Now

Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

Since our partnership with Beta Alpha Psi, we have seen the Executive team's support and the success of getting unique opportunities in front of outstanding students within California and beyond.

Isaac Obando
Outreach and Recruitment Manager
California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA)