Printable Active Chapters List
Below is the list of Beta Alpha Psi’s current active chapters. The links featured will take you to each chapter's page on the Beta Alpha Psi Alumni Network. Not registered? Sign up today! The Alumni & Member Network gives you access to BAP’s current students and alumni to expand your BAP network.
To view more information about each chapter (ex: pictures from the chapter, installation date, quotes, chapter website), click on the chapter name in the list below.
# | Name | School Name | State | Region |
1 | Alpha | University of Illinois | IL | Midwest |
2 | Beta | University of Oregon | OR | Northwest |
4 | Delta | University of Washington | WA | Northwest |
5 | Epsilon | Oregon State University | OR | Northwest |
6 | Zeta | University of North Dakota | ND | Missouri Valley |
9 | Iota | University of Southern California | CA | Western |
11 | Lambda | University of California Berkeley | CA | Western |
12 | Mu | New York University | NY | Atlantic Coast |
13 | Nu | University of Colorado at Boulder | CO | Rocky Mountain |
14 | Xi | Syracuse University | NY | Atlantic Coast |
15 | Omicron | The Ohio State University | OH | Midwest |
16 | Pi | Case Western Reserve University | OH | Midwest |
18 | Sigma | University of Wisconsin ‐ Madison | WI | Midwest |
20 | Upsilon | University of Florida | FL | Southeast |
21 | Phi | Louisiana State University | LA | Southeast |
22 | Chi | Oklahoma State University | OK | Southwest |
23 | Psi | Marquette University | WI | Midwest |
24 | Omega | Miami University | OH | Midwest |
25 | Alpha Beta | The University of Alabama | AL | Southeast |
26 | Alpha Gamma | CUNY ‐ Baruch College | NY | Atlantic Coast |
29 | Alpha Zeta | University of Denver | CO | Rocky Mountain |
31 | Alpha Theta | University of Mississippi | MS | Southeast |
32 | Alpha Iota | University of Arkansas | AR | Southwest |
33 | Alpha Kappa | Ohio University | OH | Midwest |
34 | Alpha Lambda | University of Tennessee at Knoxville | TN | Southeast |
35 | Alpha Mu | University of Kentucky | KY | Southeast |
36 | Alpha Nu | Creighton University | NE | Missouri Valley |
37 | Alpha Xi | University of Detroit Mercy | MI | Midwest |
39 | Alpha Pi | University of Iowa | IA | Missouri Valley |
41 | Alpha Sigma | University of Cincinnati | OH | Midwest |
43 | Alpha Upsilon | Bowling Green State University | OH | Midwest |
44 | Alpha Phi | Temple University | PA | Atlantic Coast |
45 | Alpha Chi | Louisiana Tech University | LA | Southwest |
46 | Alpha Psi | West Virginia University | WV | Atlantic Coast |
47 | Alpha Omega | Fordham University | NY | Atlantic Coast |
48 | Beta Alpha | Indiana University | IN | Midwest |
49 | Beta Gamma | DePaul University | IL | Midwest |
51 | Beta Epsilon | Lehigh University | PA | Atlantic Coast |
52 | Beta Zeta | Loyola University New Orleans (inactive) | LA | Southwest |
53 | Beta Eta | San Diego State University | CA | Western |
54 | Beta Theta | The Pennsylvania State University | PA | Atlantic Coast |
55 | Beta Iota | Loyola University ‐ Chicago | IL | Midwest |
56 | Beta Kappa | Mississippi State University | MS | Southeast |
57 | Beta Lambda | California State University ‐ Los Angeles | CA | Western |
58 | Beta Mu | Georgia State University ‐ School of Accountancy | GA | Southeast |
59 | Beta Nu | Tulane University | LA | Southeast |
60 | Beta Xi | University of Miami | FL | Southeast |
61 | Beta Omicron | University of Arizona | AZ | Western |
62 | Beta Pi | University of North Texas | TX | Southwest |
63 | Beta Rho | Florida State University | FL | Southeast |
64 | Beta Sigma | University of Notre Dame | IN | Midwest |
65 | Beta Tau | Arizona State University | AZ | Western |
66 | Beta Upsilon | University of Georgia | GA | Southeast |
67 | Beta Phi | California State University ‐ Sacramento (Inactive) | CA | Western |
68 | Beta Chi | San Francisco State University | CA | Western |
69 | Beta Psi | Kent State University | OH | Midwest |
71 | Gamma Alpha | Brigham Young University | UT | Rocky Mountain |
72 | Gamma Beta | University of South Carolina | SC | Southeast |
73 | Gamma Delta | University of Houston | TX | Southwest |
74 | Gamma Epsilon | University of Toledo | OH | Midwest |
75 | Gamma Zeta | Southern Illinois University at Carbondale | IL | Midwest |
76 | Gamma Eta | University of Akron | OH | Midwest |
77 | Gamma Theta | University of Missouri‐Columbia | MO | Missouri Valley |
79 | Gamma Kappa | University of Nebraska at Omaha | NE | Missouri Valley |
80 | Gamma Lambda | Virginia Tech (Inactive) | VA | Atlantic Coast |
81 | Gamma Mu | Drake University | IA | Missouri Valley |
82 | Gamma Nu | Northeastern University | MA | Atlantic Coast |
83 | Gamma Xi | San Jose State University | CA | Western |
84 | Gamma Omicron | California State University ‐ Fresno | CA | Western |
85 | Gamma Pi | Northern Illinois University | IL | Midwest |
86 | Gamma Rho | Western Michigan University | MI | Midwest |
87 | Gamma Sigma | University of New Orleans | LA | Southwest |
88 | Gamma Tau | Colorado State University | CO | Rocky Mountain |
89 | Gamma Upsilon | University of Rhode Island | RI | Atlantic Coast |
90 | Gamma Phi | University of Texas at Arlington | TX | Southwest |
91 | Gamma Chi | The University of Memphis | TN | Southeast |
92 | Gamma Psi | University of Missouri ‐ St. Louis | MO | Missouri Valley |
93 | Gamma Omega | California State University ‐ Long Beach | CA | Western |
94 | Delta Alpha | University of Wyoming (Inactive) | WY | Rocky Mountain |
95 | Delta Beta | California State University ‐ Fullerton | CA | Western |
96 | Delta Gamma | University of South Florida | FL | Southeast |
97 | Delta Epsilon | Washington State University | WA | Northwest |
98 | Delta Zeta | California State University ‐ Chico | CA | Western |
99 | Delta Eta | Seattle University | WA | Northwest |
100 | Delta Theta | University of Hawaii ‐ Manoa | HI | Western |
102 | Delta Kappa | University of Montana | MT | Northwest |
103 | Delta Lambda | New Mexico State University | NM | Southwest |
105 | Delta Nu | University of Massachusetts ‐ Amherst | MA | Atlantic Coast |
106 | Delta Xi | Texas Southern University | TX | Southwest |
107 | Delta Omicron | University of Nebraska ‐ Lincoln | NE | Missouri Valley |
108 | Delta Pi | Hofstra University | NY | Atlantic Coast |
109 | Delta Rho | Pacific Lutheran University | WA | Northwest |
110 | Delta Sigma | Eastern Washington University | WA | Northwest |
112 | Delta Upsilon | Northern Arizona University | AZ | Western |
114 | Delta Chi | University of Alabama at Birmingham | AL | Southeast |
115 | Delta Psi | Cleveland State University | OH | Midwest |
116 | Delta Omega | Utah State University | UT | Rocky Mountain |
117 | Epsilon Alpha | Portland State University | OR | Northwest |
118 | Epsilon Beta | University of South Alabama | AL | Southeast |
119 | Epsilon Gamma | University of Central Florida | FL | Southeast |
120 | Epsilon Delta | University of Missouri‐Kansas City | MO | Missouri Valley |
121 | Epsilon Zeta | Virginia Commonwealth University | VA | Atlantic Coast |
123 | Epsilon Theta | Kansas State University | KS | Missouri Valley |
124 | Epsilon Iota | University of San Francisco | CA | Western |
125 | Epsilon Kappa | Appalachian State University | NC | Southeast |
126 | Epsilon Lambda | University of Connecticut | CT | Atlantic Coast |
127 | Epsilon Mu | Stephen F. Austin State University | TX | Southwest |
128 | Epsilon Nu | Murray State University | KY | Southeast |
129 | Epsilon Xi | University of Utah | UT | Rocky Mountain |
130 | Epsilon Omicron | Auburn University | AL | Southeast |
132 | Epsilon Rho | University of Wisconsin ‐ Whitewater | WI | Midwest |
133 | Epsilon Sigma | The George Washington University | DC | Atlantic Coast |
134 | Epsilon Tau | Wichita State University | KS | Southwest |
135 | Epsilon Upsilon | Emory University‐Goizueta Business School | GA | Southeast |
136 | Epsilon Phi | Wayne State University | MI | Midwest |
137 | Epsilon Chi | California State University ‐ Northridge | CA | Western |
138 | Epsilon Psi | California State University ‐ East Bay | CA | Western |
139 | Epsilon Omega | Eastern Michigan University | MI | Midwest |
140 | Zeta Alpha | Purdue University | IN | Midwest |
141 | Zeta Beta | Western Illinois University | IL | Midwest |
142 | Zeta Gamma | Middle Tennessee State University | TN | Southeast |
143 | Zeta Delta | Georgia Southern University | GA | Southeast |
144 | Zeta Epsilon | Texas A&M University‐Commerce | TX | Southwest |
146 | Zeta Theta | SUNY at Buffalo | NY | Atlantic Coast |
147 | Zeta Iota | University of Nevada ‐ Reno | NV | Western |
148 | Zeta Kappa | University of San Diego | CA | Western |
149 | Zeta Lambda | Bradley University | IL | Midwest |
150 | Zeta Mu | The University of Southern Mississippi | MS | Southeast |
151 | Zeta Nu | Saint Louis University | MO | Missouri Valley |
152 | Zeta Xi | Seton Hall University | NJ | Atlantic Coast |
153 | Zeta Omicron | University of Wisconsin ‐ Eau Claire | WI | Midwest |
154 | Zeta Pi | Old Dominion University | VA | Atlantic Coast |
155 | Zeta Rho | Clemson University | SC | Southeast |
156 | Zeta Sigma | North Carolina A&T State University | NC | Southeast |
157 | Zeta Tau | Lamar University | TX | Southwest |
158 | Zeta Upsilon | University of Houston ‐ Clear Lake | TX | Southwest |
159 | Zeta Phi | Tennessee Tech University | TN | Southeast |
160 | Zeta Chi | University of North Carolina at Greensboro | NC | Southeast |
161 | Zeta Psi | Boise State University | ID | Northwest |
162 | Zeta Omega | Ball State University | IN | Midwest |
163 | Eta Alpha | University of North Carolina at Charlotte | NC | Southeast |
164 | Eta Beta | University of Texas at San Antonio | TX | Southwest |
165 | Eta Gamma | University of Louisville | KY | Southeast |
166 | Eta Delta | James Madison University | VA | Atlantic Coast |
167 | Eta Epsilon | Central Michigan University | MI | Midwest |
168 | Eta Zeta | University of Dayton | OH | Midwest |
169 | Eta Theta | University of Wisconsin ‐ Milwaukee | WI | Midwest |
170 | Eta Iota | Florida International University | FL | Southeast |
171 | Eta Kappa | University of Tennessee at Chattanooga | TN | Southeast |
172 | Eta Lambda | Idaho State University | ID | Rocky Mountain |
173 | Eta Mu | St. John's University | NY | Atlantic Coast |
174 | Eta Nu | Howard University | DC | Atlantic Coast |
175 | Eta Xi | University of Michigan ‐ Flint | MI | Midwest |
176 | Eta Omicron | Western Kentucky University | KY | Southeast |
177 | Eta Pi | University at Albany | NY | Atlantic Coast |
178 | Eta Rho | University of Tulsa | OK | Southwest |
179 | Eta Sigma | University of Louisiana at Monroe | LA | Southwest |
180 | Eta Tau | Florida Atlantic University | FL | Southeast |
181 | Eta Upsilon | Loyola University Maryland | MD | Atlantic Coast |
182 | Eta Phi | Oakland University ‐ Michigan | MI | Midwest |
183 | Eta Chi | Montana State University ‐ Bozeman | MT | Rocky Mountain |
184 | Eta Psi | Wright State University | OH | Midwest |
185 | Eta Omega | East Tennessee State University | TN | Southeast |
186 | Theta Alpha | George Mason University | VA | Atlantic Coast |
187 | Theta Beta | University of Texas at El Paso | TX | Southwest |
188 | Theta Gamma | Bentley University | MA | Atlantic Coast |
189 | Theta Delta | Suffolk University | MA | Atlantic Coast |
190 | Theta Epsilon | Indiana State University | IN | Midwest |
191 | Theta Zeta | Millsaps College | MS | Southeast |
192 | Theta Eta | Southeastern Louisiana University | LA | Southwest |
193 | Theta Iota | University of Baltimore | MD | Atlantic Coast |
194 | Theta Kappa | University of Illinois at Chicago | IL | Midwest |
195 | Theta Lambda | University of Central Arkansas | AR | Southwest |
196 | Theta Mu | Rutgers University‐New Brunswick | NJ | Atlantic Coast |
197 | Theta Nu | Fort Lewis College | CO | Rocky Mountain |
198 | Theta Xi | The University of New Mexico | NM | Rocky Mountain |
199 | Theta Omicron | University of Nevada ‐ Las Vegas | NV | Western |
200 | Theta Pi | Missouri State University | MO | Missouri Valley |
201 | Theta Rho | Binghamton University | NY | Atlantic Coast |
202 | Theta Sigma | University of Colorado Denver | CO | Rocky Mountain |
203 | Theta Tau | Weber State University | UT | Rocky Mountain |
204 | Theta Upsilon | University of South Dakota | SD | Missouri Valley |
205 | Theta Phi | Western Washington University | WA | Northwest |
206 | Theta Chi | Duquesne University | PA | Atlantic Coast |
207 | Theta Psi | University of Northern Colorado | CO | Rocky Mountain |
208 | Theta Omega | Eastern Illinois University | IL | Midwest |
209 | Iota Alpha | University of North Carolina at Wilmington | NC | Southeast |
210 | Iota Beta | Iowa State University | IA | Missouri Valley |
211 | Iota Gamma | University of Idaho | ID | Northwest |
212 | Iota Delta | Gonzaga University | WA | Northwest |
214 | Iota Zeta | Towson University | MD | Atlantic Coast |
215 | Iota Eta | California State University ‐ San Bernardino | CA | Western |
216 | Iota Theta | University of Alabama in Huntsville | AL | Southeast |
217 | Iota Kappa | University of the Pacific | CA | Western |
218 | Iota Lambda | Pace University | NY | Atlantic Coast |
219 | Iota Mu | University of Central Missouri (Inactive) | MO | Missouri Valley |
220 | Iota Nu | University of Oklahoma | OK | Southwest |
221 | Iota Xi | East Carolina University | NC | Southeast |
223 | Iota Pi | Salisbury University | MD | Atlantic Coast |
224 | Iota Rho | University of Wisconsin Oshkosh | WI | Midwest |
225 | Iota Sigma | Nicholls State University | LA | Southeast |
226 | Iota Tau | Kennesaw State University | GA | Southeast |
227 | Iota Upsilon | University of Wisconsin‐ La Crosse | WI | Midwest |
228 | Iota Phi | University of West Florida | FL | Southeast |
229 | Iota Chi | California State Polytechnic University ‐ Pomona | CA | Western |
230 | Iota Psi | Fairfield University | CT | Atlantic Coast |
231 | Iota Omega | North Carolina State University | NC | Southeast |
232 | Kappa Alpha | Morgan State University | MD | Atlantic Coast |
233 | Kappa Beta | Grand Valley State University | MI | Midwest |
234 | Kappa Gamma | Rutgers University ‐ Camden | NJ | Atlantic Coast |
235 | Kappa Delta | Illinois State University | IL | Midwest |
236 | Kappa Epsilon | Rider University | NJ | Atlantic Coast |
237 | Kappa Zeta | St. John's University ‐ Staten Island Campus (Inactive) | NY | Atlantic Coast |
238 | Kappa Eta | Texas State University‐San Marcos | TX | Southwest |
239 | Kappa Theta | University of Louisiana at Lafayette | LA | Southwest |
240 | Kappa Iota | Widener University | PA | Atlantic Coast |
241 | Kappa Lambda | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | IL | Midwest |
242 | Kappa Mu | Sam Houston State University | TX | Southwest |
243 | Kappa Nu | Truman State University | MO | Missouri Valley |
244 | Kappa Xi | Youngstown State University | OH | Midwest |
245 | Kappa Omicron | Long Island University ‐ Post | NY | Atlantic Coast |
246 | Kappa Pi | Samford University | AL | Southeast |
247 | Kappa Rho | Winthrop University | SC | Southeast |
248 | Kappa Sigma | University of Michigan‐Dearborn | MI | Midwest |
249 | Kappa Upsilon | University of Pittsburgh | PA | Atlantic Coast |
250 | Kappa Phi | Marshall University | WV | Atlantic Coast |
251 | Kappa Chi | Western Illinois University ‐ Quad Cities | IL | Midwest |
253 | Kappa Omega | Villanova University | PA | Atlantic Coast |
254 | Lambda Alpha | University of Kansas | KS | Missouri Valley |
255 | Lambda Beta | The University of Tampa | FL | Southeast |
256 | Lambda Gamma | Pittsburg State University | KS | Missouri Valley |
257 | Lambda Delta | Stetson University | FL | Southeast |
259 | Lambda Zeta | SUNY Oswego | NY | Atlantic Coast |
260 | Lambda Eta | Marist College | NY | Atlantic Coast |
261 | Lambda Theta | South Carolina State University | SC | Southeast |
262 | Lambda Iota | Northern Michigan University | MI | Midwest |
263 | Lambda Kappa | Coastal Carolina University | SC | Southeast |
264 | Lambda Mu | University of Southern Indiana | IN | Midwest |
265 | Lambda Nu | Belmont University | TN | Southeast |
266 | Lambda Xi | Elon University | NC | Southeast |
267 | Lambda Omicron | University of Texas at Dallas (inactive) | TX | Southwest |
268 | Lambda Pi | Manhattan College | NY | Atlantic Coast |
269 | Lambda Rho | California State University ‐ Stanislaus | CA | Western |
270 | Lambda Sigma | University of California ‐ Los Angeles | CA | Western |
271 | Lambda Upsilon | Seattle Pacific University | WA | Northwest |
272 | Lambda Phi | Georgia College & State University | GA | Southeast |
273 | Lambda Chi | Niagara University | NY | Atlantic Coast |
274 | Lambda Psi | Emporia State University | KS | Missouri Valley |
275 | Lambda Omega | The University of Sydney ‐ Australia | New SouthWales | Oceania |
276 | Mu Alpha | Ithaca College | NY | Atlantic Coast |
277 | Mu Beta | College of Charleston | SC | Southeast |
278 | Mu Delta | Ohio Northern University | OH | Midwest |
279 | Mu Gamma | University of South Florida St. Petersburg | FL | Southeast |
281 | Mu Zeta | Valdosta State University | GA | Southeast |
282 | Mu Eta | The College of New Jersey | NJ | Atlantic Coast |
283 | Mu Theta | Tennessee State University | TN | Southeast |
284 | The Auckland | The University of Auckland Business School | Auckland | Oceania |
285 | Mu Kappa | University of Texas at Tyler | TX | Southwest |
286 | Mu Lambda | Florida Gulf Coast University | FL | Southeast |
287 | Mu Nu | University of Nebraska ‐ Kearney | NE | Missouri Valley |
288 | Mu Xi | Southeast Missouri State University | MO | Missouri Valley |
289 | Mu Omicron | Washburn University | KS | Missouri Valley |
290 | Mu Pi | Utah Valley University | UT | Rocky Mountain |
293 | Mu Upsilon | Adelphi University | NY | Atlantic Coast |
294 | Mu Phi | University of Massachusetts Dartmouth | MA | Atlantic Coast |
295 | Mu Chi | University of Hartford | CT | Atlantic Coast |
296 | Mu Psi | University of Washington Bothell | WA | Northwest |
297 | Mu Omega | Stonehill College | MA | Atlantic Coast |
298 | Nu Alpha | Quinnipiac University | CT | Atlantic Coast |
299 | Nu Beta | Radford University | VA | Atlantic Coast |
300 | Nu Gamma | University of North Georgia | GA | Southeast |
301 | Nu Delta | Western Carolina University | NC | Southeast |
302 | Upsilon Tau Sigma | University of Technology Sydney, Australia | New SouthWales | Oceania |
303 | Nu Epsilon | Central Washington University | WA | Northwest |
332 | Xi Kappa | Deakin University | Victoria | Oceania |
145 | Zeta Eta | Clarkson University | NY | Atlantic Coast |
304 | Nu Zeta | West Chester University | PA | Atlantic Coast |
305 | Nu Theta | Washington State University - Vancouver | WA | Northwest |
306 | The Waikato Chapter | University of Waikato | New Zealand | Oceania |
307 | Nu Iota | Washington University in St. Louis | MO | Missouri Valley |
308 | The Victoria Wellington Chapter | Victoria University of Wellington | Wellington | Oceania |
309 | Nu Eta | University of Arkansas Fort Smith | AR | Southwest |
310 | Nu Kappa | University of Scranton | PA | Atlantic Coast |
311 | Nu Lambda | Roger Williams University | RI | Atlantic Coast |
312 | Nu Mu | Washington and Lee University | VA | Southeast |
313 | Nu Xi | Siena College | NY | Atlantic Coast |
314 | Nu Omicron | Iona University | NY | Atlantic Coast |
315 | Nu Pi | University of California, Irvine | CA | Western |
316 | Nu Rho | University of California, Riverside | CA | Western |
317 | Nu Sigma | Fairleigh Dickinson University | NJ | Atlantic Coast |
318 | Nu Upsilon | Mercer University | GA | Southeast |
319 | Nu Phi | Jacksonville State University | AL | Southeast |
320 | Nu Chi | Minnesota State University Mankato | MN | Missouri Valley |
321 | Nu Psi | Prairie View A&M University | TX | Southwest |
322 | Nu Omega | University of Portland | OR | Northwest |
323 | Xi Alpha | University of South Carolina Upstate | SC | Southeast |
324 | Xi Beta | Purdue University Northwest | IN | Midwest |
325 | Xi Gamma | Auburn University at Montgomery | AL | Southeast |
326 | Xi Delta | Robert Morris University | PA | Atlantic Coast |
327 | Xi Epsilon | Monash University | Australia | Oceania |
328 | Xi Zeta | University of North Alabama | AL | Southeast |
336 | Xi Omicron | Central Connecticut State University | CT | Atlantic Coast |
1402 | Petitioning - University of New Haven | University of New Haven | CT | Atlantic Coast |
330 | Xi Iota | Ramapo College of New Jersey | NJ | Atlantic Coast |
329 | Xi Theta | Rowan University | NJ | Atlantic Coast |
335 | Xi Nu | Northwestern State University | LA | Southwest |
331 | Xi Eta | University of North Florida | FL | Southeast |
131 | Epsilon Pi | University of Arkansas at Little Rock | AR | Southwest |
334 | Xi Mu | Florida Southern College | FL | Southeast |
333 | Xi Lambda | The University of Melbourne | Australia | Oceania |
340 | Xi Tau | The Citadel | SC | Southeast |
337 | Xi Pi | Simmons University (Inactive) | MA | Atlantic Coast |
343 | Xi Chi | Troy University | AL | Southeast |
338 | Xi Rho | King Abdulaziz University | Saudi Arabia | International |
1419 | Petitioning - University of California, San Diego | University of California, San Diego | CA | Western |
339 | Xi Sigma | Swinburne University of Technology | Australia | Oceania |
344 | Xi Psi | University of New Hampshire | NH | Atlantic Coast |
341 | Xi Upsilon | Whitworth University | WA | Northwest |
351 | Omicron Zeta | Indiana University East | IN | Midwest |
342 | Xi Phi | The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley | TX | Southwest |
346 | Omicron Alpha | Stony Brook University | NY | Atlantic Coast |
347 | Omicron Beta | Clark University | MA | Atlantic Coast |
349 | Omicron Delta | Angelo State University | TX | Southwest |
345 | Xi Omega | University of South Carolina Aiken | SC | Southeast |
350 | Omicron Epsilon | King's College | PA | Atlantic Coast |
1430 | Petitioning - Arkansas State University | Arkansas State University | AR | Southwest |
352 | Omicron Eta | Bucknell University | PA | Atlantic Coast |
348 | Omicron Gamma | Nova Southeastern University | FL | Southeast |
1433 | Petitioning - Jacksonville University | Jacksonville University | FL | Southeast |
1434 | Petitioning-University of Canterbury | University of Canterbury | New Zealand | Oceania |
1435 | Petitioning-Northeastern Illinois University | Northeastern Illinois University | IL | Midwest |
The level of professionalism and knowledge that Beta Alpha Psi alums bring to the workplace -- and the impact they make from day one -- is tremendous. At EY, we are proud to support BAP members in their development, as well as partner with them to shape the future of the accounting profession. With the industry changing at such a rapid pace, we are grateful for the opportunity to learn from them and their experiences.
Rheanna Martino
Assistant Director, Campus Recruiting