On behalf of the Gamma Xi Chapter at San Jose State University, we would like to share with you some of the photos we took during our 50th Anniversary Celebration event for BAP at San Jose State University on October 25, 2019. At this event, which took place at the University Ballroom on October 25, 2019, we had former BAP members, former Faculty Advisors, current faculty and Charter Members of the first Beta Alpha Psi of 1969! As part of the event we provided tours around the campus to allow attendees to see the changes at the campus over the years and we gave Lifetime Achievement Awards to former faculty advisors and honored the entire 1969 Charter Class.
Picture #1 - 1969 Charter Members (from left to right) - Patrick O' Connor, Ronald Lenhart, Karen (Moresco) Busch, Jack Rodman and Thomas Schuttish
Picture #2 - Welcome address by Dr. Dan Moshavi, Dean of the Lucas College and Graduate School of Business
Picture #3 - Lifetime Achieve Award presented to former faculty advisor Patricia Janes
Picture #4 - Lifetime Achieve Award presented to former faculty advisor Thomas Moschetti
Picture #5 - The 1969 Charter Class
Picture #6 - 1969 Charter Member Steven Busch
Picture #7 - Current and Former Members Prior to the Event
Photo Credits: Gamma Xi Chapter Photographer Carlson Dumo
Event Execution Credits: Event Co-Managers Felipe Riveros and Jocelyn Zhang with Technical Management provided by Palak Shah and Jessica Barroga
BAP has been such a wonderful platform for both students and employers to come together and learn from each other. With recruiting processes and candidate expectations always ever changing, it's so helpful to have a place to come and hear from other colleagues and students directly on the latest trends.
Sarah Turcotte
National Campus Recruiting Lead