Promote the Pipeline

Beta Alpha Psi believes in the future of the profession! We're committed to empowering you with the tools, resources, and unwavering support you need to foster students' career growth in accounting, finance, business analytics and information systems.

Here are ways we think we can do our part in contributing to the pipeline:

  1. Career Perception:

    Careers in Financial Services offer an exhilarating path filled with innovation, opportunity, and fulfillment. Beta Alpha Psi Alumni continue to share their experiences about the personal and professional rewards of working in a wide variety of business areas in which they work. Beta Alpha Psi initiated members, join the Alumni & Member Network and ask an Alum to talk to your chapter about their experience.
  2. Students As Influencers:

    Engage your Beta Alpha Psi students to help influence younger students and earn Impact Points (per the Program for Chapter Activities):
    • Community College
      • Beta Alpha Psi candidates and members who tutor community college or four-year transfer students can earn Impact Points.
      • Conduct a Beta Alpha Psi meeting at a Community College campus and earn Impact Points.
    • Undeclared Students at your College or University
      • Invite undeclared students to attend a Beta Alpha Psi meeting that includes a professional speaker or a Beta Alpha Psi Alumni member.
    • Associate Candidates Program
      • These are students who are interested and moving forward in pursuing accounting, finance, business analytics or information systems but who have not yet confirmed their concentration.
      • Beta Alpha Psi members make great mentors to these students.
  3. Service Activities: Service is a great way to engage with your local community.

      • Junior Achievement is a great way to engage with younger students.
      • Your local YMCA – Contact your local YMCA for volunteer opportunities for your students.
  4. Finally – Social Activities are crucial for students to meet and make new personal and professional contacts to add to their network.

      • Wellness Sessions
      • Pizza Parties
      • Game Nights

All of these are ways for chapters to engage their students and earn chapter reporting points. Review the Program for Chapter Activities here

Join us in Promoting the Pipeline!

Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

Similar to TXCPA, BAP equips its members with the tools they need to excel in their careers and make a positive impact in their communities. I believe in Beta Alpha Psi’s mission and am proud to support an organization that empowers the next generation of leaders in the accounting profession.

Shicoyia Morgan, M.Ed.
Student and School Engagement Coordinator
Texas Society of CPAs