Zeta Omega

Ball State University

Chapter #162, Est. 1984


"Beta Alpha Psi has provided me with professional development and networking opportunities that have expanded my horizons in the accounting field. As a non-traditional student, members of BAP welcomed me and have enabled me to use my life skills to help the chapter through community service events. I'm Beta Alpha Psi for life!"


Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

I support Beta Alpha Psi because I love helping students navigate starting their careers! It’s extremely rewarding to help students explore different avenues and possibilities as they land positions they are genuinely excited about. It’s an exciting time to join the work force – there are so many different career paths and opportunities to pursue. By attending local and Mid-Year meetings, I hope to continue being a resource for students as they discover the working world.

Zach Yarnell
Lead Campus Recruiter