"Beta Alpha Psi is a great organization that has helped me enhance my college experience more than I could have ever thought. As a non-traditional student at a commuter college it can be hard to find a way to connect with other students and get more out of school than just going to class, especially when you’re a little older than most. Joining BAP has given me the opportunity to not only meet other students with similar paths and goals at my own school and bridge the age difference, but I’ve also been able to meet students and faculty from around the country, at regional and national meetings. Through BAP I’ve also been able to meet, network with, and learn from countless professional partners that have helped me feel more confident in not only my chosen career field but also my future. BAP has also given me the opportunity to give back to the community through numerous service projects, including the International Day of Literacy in the Washington, D.C. area, an experience that I will never forget and wouldn’t have had without BAP. BAP has also allowed me to grow more and challenge myself by holding an officer position. There are many ways that BAP has already helped me and will continue to help me in the future that it would be difficult to quantify, my only regret is that I didn’t join earlier."
BAP supports educational excellence while positioning its members for continued success. As as the CEO of the first state CPA society, I can think of no better way to support the accounting profession than by supporting those students and professionals who will enter it through Beta Alpha Psi. It's an honor to partner with and support Beta Alpha Psi!
Calvin Harris
NY State Society of CPAs