Eta Theta

University of Wisconsin ‐ Milwaukee

Chapter #169, Est. 1985

"Before I joined the Eta Theta Chapter of BAP, I was an entirely different person from who I am today. Beta has helped me develop as a peer, professional, and student leader while providing me with a sense of community and a network that wants to see me succeed in my career aspirations. Beta Alpha Psi has provided me with the soft skills I need to work in a professional capacity."


"Beta Alpha Psi has been a community that has helped me grow both professionally and academically. I have been given the opportunity to network with and meet countless professionals from my field. Beta has also helped me find meaningful employment with a distinguished accounting firm here in Milwaukee."


"I see my chapter in Beta Alpha Psi to be going in a progressive direction where I can start applying my knowledge in my accounting courses to the task ahead."



Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

Collaborating with Beta Alpha Psi not only strengthens the accounting profession but also supports the development of a new generation committed to advancing and upholding the integrity of the profession.

Lauren McDonough
Director, Member Engagement
Maryland Association of CPAs