Lambda Xi

Elon University

Chapter #266, Est. 2006

"Beta Alpha Psi truly transformed my experience as an undergraduate accounting and finance student. I've made some of my best friends through Beta Alpha Psi, and the organization has provided me unparalleled opportunities to grow as a future accounting professional, to serve in my community, and to network with individuals around the U.S. and around the world! Through Beta Alpha Psi, I've gotten to know students and professors from other universities and professionals from all sorts of accounting, finance, and information systems backgrounds. I've made some of my very best friends through Beta Alpha Psi, and my best college memories have come from my time as a member. Beta Alpha Psi has afforded me with numerous opportunities to travel, participate in competitions, and even grow my leadership skills through serving in chapter leadership. Everyone around me knows I'm involved in Beta Alpha Psi, because I love to share with others all this organization means to me."


Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

The ASCPA loves supporting BAP because we see the impact it has on our students through college and after college. It creates a lasting network of support throughout careers. 

Caroline Hale
Director of Pipeline Strategy
Alabama Society of CPAs