"At the University of Iowa, Beta Alpha Psi means serving our community, empowering leaders, listening to and learning from accounting professionals, promoting teamwork, and fostering the skills and qualities that transform University of Iowa accounting students into ethical business professionals. In 2018 alone, our members raised over $4,000 for Habitat for Humanity by raking leaves, tutored 61 students in Financial and Managerial Accounting, donated 48 blankets to the Domestic Violence Intervention Program, helped build a house with Habitat for Humanity, helped prepare over 1,400 tax returns in our College VITA program, and so much more… We are so proud to be members of the Alpha Pi chapter of Beta Alpha Psi!"
Supporting BAPSi means investing in the future of business—empowering students with the education, resources, and opportunities they need to grow into tomorrow's leaders.
Kelly Rath
Managing Director, Talent Acquisition – Early Career