Zeta Pi

Old Dominion University

Chapter #154, Est. 1982


"In my sophomore year at ODU I decided to switch my major from finance to accounting, because I knew there were many career options and opportunities in accounting.  I wondered, though, how to make the transition from school to a career.  How would I do in interviews?  How could I make the best impression on hiring managers?  Then I learned about Beta Alpha Psi.  The chapter showed me how to bridge the gap between school and my new career.  I met professionals, learned from their experiences, and made friends at school and in the business community.  

I successfully interviewed for internships and jobs, and gained valuable experience that helped me in my classes.  Without the networking, the polishing, the guidance from faculty and peers in Beta Alpha Psi, none of that would have happened.  

Shortly after assuming the role of president for my chapter, our faculty advisor handed me a box of Beta Alpha Psi materials that had accumulated in his office.  In it, I found photo albums of our chapter from the Eighties, including one from 1982, the year our chapter was established.  As I looked at photos of several of the partners of local accounting firms in their college years, in Beta Alpha Psi officer positions, I understood the gravity of the office I was elected to, the shoulders upon which I was standing.  Those albums brought home the heritage I will carry forward into the next 100 years of Beta Alpha Psi."


Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

As a professional partner with Beta Alpha Psi, I've had the privilege to witness firsthand the transformative impact this organization has on aspiring accounting and finance professionals. Beta Alpha Psi's commitment to academic excellence, professional development, and ethical conduct aligns perfectly with my values, and I am continually inspired by the dedication and talent of its members. 

Alexandra Radder
Senior Account Manager
Gleim Exam Prep