"Beta Alpha Psi means second home for me, warm, friendly and inspiring. I am so lucky to be the one of the big family!"
"Beta Alpha Psi has been a huge part of my college experience. BAP not only helped shape my career path and my understanding of accounting in this world, but most importantly, BAP gave me relationships and friendships that will outlast my college membership. Plenty of meet and greet opportunities led into networking relationships, but what was most rewarding for me was the way I could pay it forward to younger members by connecting them to these opportunities through Beta Alpha Psi.
Now as an officer of my chapter, I am most proud seeing the impact BAP has made on our members' and alumni career journeys and personal growth, and the way in which we keep paying it forward!"
BAP supports educational excellence while positioning its members for continued success. As as the CEO of the first state CPA society, I can think of no better way to support the accounting profession than by supporting those students and professionals who will enter it through Beta Alpha Psi. It's an honor to partner with and support Beta Alpha Psi!
Calvin Harris
NY State Society of CPAs