Lambda Nu

Belmont University

Chapter #265, Est. 2006

"Our Lambda Nu Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi at Belmont University enjoys inviting various accounting firms from the Nashville area to visit and network with us on campus weekly. We have a small active membership of approximately twelve. Our members and visitors get to meet several alumni from Belmont that return and often share how valuable Beta Alpha Psi was for them in obtaining internships and permanent positions while in school."


Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

I have a deep appreciation for the students, faculty, professional, staff and executive leaders that are the lifeblood of Beta Alpha Psi. BAP fosters growth, leadership, and camaraderie from academia into careers. It’s inspiring to witness such dedication. I’m honored to be part of this community.

Quinn Perkson
National Director of Partnerships, Accounting & Finance