"When we began recruiting for Beta Alpha Psi this year, the only way I could describe the honor society to students was that it is so much more than its name. Beta Alpha Psi isn't like every other honor society where you send in money, receive a letter in the mail, and forget about it for the rest of your academic career. BAP is a place where you can network with well respected and successful professionals, learn how to be a professional yourself, and even form friendships with those in your same career path. Since joining Beta Alpha Psi, my confidence within the professional world has increased immensely as I have learned how to communicate directly with highly successful accounting professionals. There are very few, if any, groups at most universities where you have the opportunity to speak directly with professionals on a more personal level. To be able to receive advice and ask questions directly to these highly respected individuals is invaluable. I will forever be thankful for the skills and relationships I have gained throughout my time in Beta Alpha Psi so far."
Supporting BAPSi means investing in the future of business—empowering students with the education, resources, and opportunities they need to grow into tomorrow's leaders.
Kelly Rath
Managing Director, Talent Acquisition – Early Career