"The Gamma Alpha chapter at Brigham Young University thrives on service. We've recently made blankets and hygiene kits for under privileged children, and this year we are looking forward to sending Christmas stockings to our soldiers overseas and making wooden cars for needy children around the world."
"Here at Brigham Young University, Beta Alpha Psi has changed our lives by providing opportunities to serve and thrive in the School of Accountancy. The weekly meetings with professionals help us envision our lives after college, and the service mindset reminds us what matters most in life. Beta Alpha Psi helps us balance the technical aspects of accounting with giving back to our community through VITA and NonProfit Initiatives. We love Beta Alpha Psi!"
BAP has been such a wonderful platform for both students and employers to come together and learn from each other. With recruiting processes and candidate expectations always ever changing, it's so helpful to have a place to come and hear from other colleagues and students directly on the latest trends.
Sarah Turcotte
National Campus Recruiting Lead