Xi Lambda

The University of Melbourne

Chapter #333, Est. 2019


"Beta Alpha Psi allows the opportunity for students of all backgrounds to come together and contribute to something that is greater than themselves. Through encouraging academic excellence and requiring members to participate in service and reaching out events, members are exposed to large range of opportunities that would otherwise have been missed. It feels wonderful to be a part of a group who all share the same ambition and are using it to effect positive change in the world."


Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

I have a deep appreciation for the students, faculty, professional, staff and executive leaders that are the lifeblood of Beta Alpha Psi. BAP fosters growth, leadership, and camaraderie from academia into careers. It’s inspiring to witness such dedication. I’m honored to be part of this community.

Quinn Perkson
National Director of Partnerships, Accounting & Finance