Chad Kelsey

2nd-year Alumni Advocate

Chad Kelsey

2nd-year Alumni Advocate

Chad is a San Francisco Bay Area native. He has worked as an Experienced Associate at PwC out of the San Francisco office in the Specialized Tax Services (STS) group focusing on Research and Development (R&D) tax credit services. Before joining PwC, Chad worked as an administrator in the consulting engineering industry and as a legislative aide for the California State Assembly. Chad graduated from San Francisco State University in 2021, earning a B.S. in Business Administration with a dual concentration in Accounting and Finance. 

While at SFSU, Chad was a member of the Beta Chi chapter of Beta Alpha Psi. He served in various leadership roles including Director of Administration and Director of Reporting. Chad served as President of the Beta Chi chapter from Fall 2019 through Fall 2020. He also participated in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program at San Francisco State University in the 2019 and 2020 filing seasons and was the Site Coordinator for the program in 2021.

Still wishing to continue service to Beta Alpha Psi after graduation, Chad served for two years as a Mid-Year Alumni Representative for the Rocky Mountain Region from 2021-2022, and the Northwestern and Western Regions from 2021-2023. In 2023, Chad was nominated and selected to serve as the First-Year Alumni Advocate and Chair of the Alumni Taskforce.

Chad is proud to represent the students and alumni of Beta Alpha Psi on the Board of Directors as an Alumni Advocate. Please feel free to reach out with questions or suggestions using the contact information below.


Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

BAP supports educational excellence while positioning its members for continued success. As as the CEO of the first state CPA society, I can think of no better way to support the accounting profession than by supporting those students and professionals who will enter it through Beta Alpha Psi. It's an honor to partner with and support Beta Alpha Psi!

Calvin Harris
NY State Society of CPAs