Being A Beta Alpha Psi Professional Partner

The Beta Alpha Psi Executive Office and Board of Directors are very grateful to the firms, companies, associations, and state societies for all of their support and time towards our students and the goals of our organization.

Interested in being a Professional Partner but want to learn more? Check out this infographic! (PDF)

To learn more about being a Professional Partners, watch this video:

For questions or to become a Professional Partner contact Margaret Fiorentino.


  • Educate BAP members about careers, organizations and resources available to help them prosper after graduation
  • Participate in Mid-Year and Annual Meetings
    • Each Professional Partner may contribute two professional sessions, one for the Mid-Year Meetings and one for the Annual Meeting, made available on demand for meeting attendees.  Partners may also be invited to deliver their presentation live at selected Mid-Year Meetings and/or the Annual Meeting.  These presentations allow the Partner to reach a large audience of students and professors and increases the recognition for their organization.
    • Each Professional Partner can interact with meeting attendees either by attending live meetings in person or through moderated chat rooms for virtual meetings
    • Each Professional Partner can provide information and resources that will be made available on demand for meeting attendees
  • Host one professional webinar per semester for students
  • Host one professional webinar per semester for faculty
  • Host one professional webinar or supply 1 recorded presentation per semester for EGH
  • Provide up to 2 featured articles per year for the Professional Partner Corner in the BAP Monthly Email Bulletin
  • Outreach through BAP email and social media channels
    • Limited to 2 promotional emails and/or social media outreach a semester (Spring, Summer, Fall)
    • Partners can determine timing
    • Submit through Wufoo form.
  • Attend joint meeting with the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting to provide advice and input regarding the direction of the organization
  • Additional recognition of the Professional Partner
    • Recognition on the BAP website as a Professional Partner and link to the Partner organization’s website
    • Recognition through BAP social media channels
    • Recognition in BAP Annual Report and BAP Annual Meeting Program
    • Recognition from the podium and onscreen at the Annual and Mid-Year Meetings
  • First choice of Annual Meeting space (e.g. Booth space at a live meeting, visible recognition in the virtual environment)
  • Right of first refusal for any additional sponsorship opportunities at the Mid-Year and/or Annual Meetings

Note: Professional Partner Members are prohibited from recruiting for or promoting (marketing) of your firm/organization at mid-year/international meetings.  These activities are reserved for exhibit opportunities at the annual meeting only.  Associations/State Societies may promote membership at mid-year meetings as a direct benefit to student members.

Members of the Beta Alpha Psi Professional Partners financially support BAP through annual member fees which subsidize the Mid-Year and Annual meetings each year.  Additionally, individual BAP Professional Partner representatives utilize their personal networks to secure speakers for these meetings, or their personal knowledge and expertise to deliver professional session content.  Representatives function as judges for the annual Best Practices competition, review nominations and select winners of the Business Information Professional of the Year awards, and network with student members and faculty advisors of Beta Alpha Psi to provide input, counsel and advice regarding careers in the areas of Accounting, Finance and Business Analytics or Digital Technology.  Finally, Professional Partner organizations and associations sponsor the many student chapter and faculty advisor awards each year.  As a result, the generous support and commitment of the Beta Alpha Psi Professional Partners, Beta Alpha Psi remains the leading organization for students interested in careers in the Business Information field.

Professional Partners receive the benefit of tapping into the knowledge of the next generation of Business Information leaders:

  • Future leaders – access to the best students
  • Opportunities for interaction with students, peers, and faculty
  • Recognition – name and brand recognition from the students, faculty, universities, peers
  • Understanding – priorities of the new recruits, changes in what’s happening on campus
  • Making a difference – become role models and influence careers

Additionally, the Professional Partners is the key body advising the BAP Board on the direction of the profession.  This advice is then used to help make any needed changes to the direction of the international organization.  Both the Chair and Chair-elect of the Professional Partners are voting members of the Board of Directors.  Any Professional Partner may submit themselves for consideration as Chair, committing to a two-year term on the Board.

Regional Meeting Participation - Friday (and Saturday for in-person) during the academic spring semester

  • Attendance – Partners are invited to participate in as many Mid-Year Meetings as they are able.
  • Presenting – Partners are invited to contribute one professional session for the Mid-Year Meetings.  Sessions may also be selected to be presented live at one or more Regional Meetings at the discretion of the Board of Directors, Professional Partners and/or Mid-Year Meeting organizers.
  • Judging – evaluate and award winners of Best Practices competition
  • Principles and Priorities – assist with any student group activities during regional meetings
  • Keynote speaker – utilize network to vet and secure inspiring/informative speaker on accounting, finance or information systems related topic

Annual Meeting

  • Attend annual meeting each year
  • Professional Partner member meeting – only face-to-face update/discussion meeting of year

Professional Partner calls

  • General updates on BAP Activities: Typically held 3-4 times each year, generally no more than 1 hour.
  • Professional Partner Boot Camp: Typically held before start of academic year, generally no more than 90 minutes.  Required for new partners, available for returning partners.  Review all responsibilities and commitments of Professional Partner representatives.

Email input

  • Respond timely to messages from BAP Executive office or Professional Partner Chair
  • Requests for article submission for BAP Newsletter/Alumni Newsletter
  • Input on matters affecting Professional Partners and BAP

Business Information Professional of the Year (BIPOY)

  • Early each calendar year (Jan – Feb) – review and evaluate nominations for recognition

Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

Beta Alpha Psi has been an important of my career - both as a member and officer in college, but even more so as a Professional Partner.  I encourage students not only to get everything they can from their student experience, but avail themselves of continuing their involvement as a BAP Alum!

David Lo
Senior Manager, Belonging, Pipeline and Engagement
California Society of Certified Public Accountants