Branding Policy and Style Guidelines

Effective January 2025

Download the Branding Policy and Style Guidelines here. (PDF)


  • Logo attributes should not be modified or altered in any way. Adding additional elements such as drop-shadows, tinting, background ribbons and school or chapter names is not permitted.
  • Logos must be shown in official Beta Alpha Psi colors. Changing the logo to university colors is not permitted.
  • The official logo should be used in all visual representations of Beta Alpha Psi- signs, video production, exhibit materials, printed publications, social media accounts, web sites, apparel and branded products. 
  • All mid-year and annual meeting printed publications, presentations, signs and any other materials should use the official logo.
  • Exceptions to the logo policy and guidelines must be pre-approved by the Executive Office.

Failure to Adhere to Policy

  • First Notice: Faculty advisors and chapter presidents will be sent (emailed or mailed) a written notice stating the violation and given 30 days for their chapter to adhere to the policy.
  • Second Notice: Faculty advisors and chapter presidents will be sent (emailed or mailed) a written notice stating the violation and given 14 days for their chapter to adhere to the policy. If at the end of the specified time the chapter is still in violation, the department chair will be notified of the violation.
  • Third Notice: Upon issuance of a third notice for policy violations chapters may become ineligible for award status.

Logo Usage

Download a folder (ZIP) of all available BAP logos.

For use on all web, print, and collateral pieces, and apparel, use the full color logo whenever possible (RGB for web, Pantone or CMYK for print).

Due to legibility, do not size the logo smaller than 1.25” diameter.

To preserve the logo’s integrity, always maintain a minimum of .25” of clear space around all sides. The clear space isolates the logo from competing graphic elements. Avoid placing the letters over complex pattern or gradients that may reduce legibility.

For use on all web, print, and collateral pieces, use the black and white logo whenever color is not an option.

Due to legibility, do not size the logo smaller than 1.25” diameter.

To preserve the logo’s integrity, always maintain a minimum of .25” of clear space around all sides. The clear space isolates the logo from competing graphic elements. Avoid placing the letters over complex pattern or gradients that may reduce legibility.

Greek Symbol

As an alternative to the the color or black and while logo, the Greek symbol may be used for all web, print, and collateral pieces, and apparel.

Due to legibility, do not size the letters smaller than 1.25” diameter.

To preserve the logo’s integrity, always maintain a minimum of .25” of clear space around all sides. The clear space isolates the logo from competing graphic elements. Avoid placing the letters over complex pattern or gradients that may reduce legibility.

The Greek letters should be displayed in the primary brand colors: BAP Red (HEX: AF272F) or BAP Tan (HEX: C5C19D), unless using black or white for monochrome designs.


Carrois Gothic SC* and Arial are the fonts chosen to accommodate the logo above. Both are print and web-friendly, so the following guidelines can apply to all formats. Download Carrois Gothic SC here. 



c: 5 m: 96 y: 80 k: 22

r: 175 g: 39 b: 47 



c: 24 m: 18 y: 42 k: 0

r: 197 g: 193 b: 157 


Chapter Banner

Contact the Executive Office if your chapter is interested in ordering a chapter banner.

Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

Serving as a Professional Partner to Beta Alpha Psi over the past few years has been such a privilege. From networking to serving our communities, I always enjoy interacting with and learning from this group of top students, faculty, and peers, and I'm consistently impressed by the level of talent Beta Alpha Psi encompasses. 

Sarah Jordan
Graduate Recruiting Senior Manager