Business Information Professional of the Year

Deadline: Monday, April 7, 2025, by 11:59 PM EDT


It is with great honor that Beta Alpha Psi annually bestows the Business Information Professional of the Year (BIPOY) awards. This prestigious accolade recognizes outstanding professionals in the areas of education, industry & government, and professional services. Beta Alpha Psi chapters provide the nominations for this award to honor their own outstanding alumni members or honorary members.  The recipients of this award are celebrated at the Beta Alpha Psi Annual Meeting.


The nominating chapters of the winning BIPOY recipient in the three categories will each receive a monetary award of $2,000.


Candidates for the BIPOY award must have left an indelible impression on others, substantiated by examples of significant personal and professional activities. Examples of relevant personal and professional activities should be specified.
Contributed to his/her profession internationally/regionally/locally as evidenced by: 
A. position within the accounting, finance and information systems professions;
B. degree of participation in professional affairs and associations

Nomination Process

Chapters play a crucial role in this recognition process. By completing a nomination form and providing a supporting statement (850 words) along with the nominee's current resume, chapters contribute to acknowledging excellence in the business information realm. Remember, submitting a BIPOY nomination is recognized as a Reaching Out Activity. The nomination form covers:
  • Basic nominee information (degree earned, professional certifications, interests/activities/hobbies, principal current civic/community affiliations, current offices held in civic/community organizations, professional/community service awards received in the last 3 years)
  • Supporting statement (850-word count) and current resume
  • Chapter information

Nomination Form

Award/Competition Process

The selection of BIPOY winners is entrusted to the discerning judgment of the Beta Alpha Psi Professional Partners, ensuring a meticulous and impartial evaluation.

Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

Beta Alpha Psi  is a wonderful organization that aims at developing future leaders in our space. Andersen could not be more proud to support BAP's mission.  

Kelly Rath
Director, National Campus Recruiting