Connie McKnight is an Associate Professor of Accounting at the University of Central Arkansas, where has served as a Beta Alpha Psi advisor since 2013. Dr. McKnight received a Beta Alpha Psi Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award in 2019. The same year, UCA recognized Beta Alpha Psi as the Student Organization of the Year for its commitment to professional and service activities. A Certified Public Accountant, McKnight is a member of the American Accounting Association and the Arkansas Society of Certified Public Accountants. Her research is published in the IMA Educational Case Journal, Issues in Accounting Education, The Accounting Instructors’ Report, and Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory. Dr. McKnight received a BBA from Texas Christian University and a MAcc and Ph.D. from the University of Arkansas.
At Xero, we want millions of small businesses to thrive through better tools, information and connections with their accounting and bookkeeping partners. We know technology is only half the equation - it's the human and technology elements combined that make the role of an accounting professional so powerful. Members of Beta Alpha Psi are the catalyst to make our mission a reality and represent the future success of small businesses as the advisors that will lead them forward.
Ryan Wakefield