Chapter Fees

Annual Chapter Maintenance Fee: $325

One-time International Candidacy Fee: $75 

Late Payment Fee per candidate after 60 days: $20

Certificate Fee for Honorary Initiate that is already a member of another chapter: $20

Replacement Certificate Fee: $20

End-of-Year Late Reporting Fee (for failure to submit by June 1: tax filing 990-N e-Postcard and/or Faculty Advisor Sign off): $100 

Other fees:

Returned check fees: $25

Late payment fees: $25

Delivery charges for supplies (other than regular mail): $50

Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

MACPA’s purpose is leading our profession, Maryland first, in transforming the world and making a positive impact. We seek to Connect, Protect and help the CPA-led profession Achieve success. With this in mind, we partner with BAP, it’s leadership, students, educators and fellow professional partners, because we believe in the power of collaboration and the importance of community. BAP students are our future leaders and together our future is brighter and stronger.

Rebekah Brown, CPA
Maryland Association of CPAs