The Beta Alpha Psi Bylaws and Constitution state in Article XIII the Governance of Local Chapters and in Article XIV the Duties of Chapter Officers. These provisions should be reviewed before beginning the election process.
We are called upon to choose officers for the next period to lead our - (Name) - Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi. Be reminded that we are to exercise one of the most important rights incidental to our membership and, therefore, we must use sound judgement and discretion in choosing from among us those you consider best qualified. We will elect persons to fill the following offices: President, Vice-President, Reporter, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer. (Modify as necessary.)
These offices present an opportunity and a challenge to those who must fill them. They require creativity, time, effort, dedication, and a sincere interest by those who are elected. We must take care to select willing and capable persons who have the ability and commitment to perform the tasks associated with their respective offices. We acknowledge the honor associated with these officer positions, but, beyond that, expect superior performance and unselfish performance that will be to the credit and benefit of all Chapter members. You are, therefore, asked to choose wisely the officers who will lead you .
Our Chapter's Bylaws specify the procedures for election of officers, and their respective duties. These are, in order, as follows: (Give details of officers' duties, either orally or pass out a written statement of each.)
Nominations are now open. (Now perform the election of the officers according to Chapter Bylaws.)
After the election, at the time the officers are to be installed in their new positions, the newly elected officers stand before the assembled members. Each retiring officers will face his/her respective successor, and in the order that follows (modified as necessary to correspond to your Chapter's designated officer titles and duties), will install the successor in the following manner.
(The following is most effective if it is memorized.)
Outgoing President:
--(Name)--, you have been chosen to preside as President over the destiny of our -- (Name) -- Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi for the next term of -- (specify) -- . Your overall duties are to lead our Chapter to success and honor, to promote Beta Alpha Psi's objectives and observe the International Constitution and Bylaws, and to preserve and follow the Chapter's Bylaws.
Use your skill and ability to promote the scholastic and ethical standards among the members, to build and maintain an excellent reputation for the Chapter. In doing so you further the usefulness of our Organization to the groups it serves. May wisdom guide you to exercise the duties of President in such a manner as to reflect the full confidence that your fellow Chapter members have placed in you. (The specific duties of the President may be reiterated here if desired.)
You have the Chapter's trust and thanks for accepting the responsibility of your office.
Outgoing Vice-President:
--(Name)-- , to you is entrusted the position of Vice-President. Your duties are to assist the President in administering the affairs of the Organization, and to act in his/her place when absent. The responsibilities of the President are your also, as well as all others specifically assigned. (Those specific duties may be reiterated here if desired.)
You have the Chapter's trust and thanks for accepting the responsibility of your office.
Outgoing Reporter:
--(Name)-- , the duties assigned to you as Reporter are of great importance, because they include keeping an official record of the actions of this Organization. You should strive to maintain complete and accurate records so that we will have an authoritative register of all activities of this Chapter, for future reference and guidance. Especially important is maintaining up-to-date records on all present and alumni members of the Chapter. (Other specific duties of the Reporter may be reiterated if desired.)
You have the Chapter's trust and thanks for accepting the responsibility of your office.
Outgoing Treasurer:
--(Name)-- , you have the distinct honor in being elected to the position of Treasurer. Your office requires extreme accuracy and honesty. Your responsibilities cover the financial affairs of our Organization. This includes preparing the operating budget, financial position forecast, monitoring cash flows, promptly recording all transactions and safeguarding the Organization's resources. Your responsibilities also include preparing the Chapter's Year-End Report, containing the audited financial statements and tax returns for the Chapter for the year. (Other specific duties may be reiterated, if desired.)
You have the Chapter's trust and thanks for accepting the responsibility of your office.
The outgoing officers, except for the President, move to the side, remaining standing.
Outgoing President:
Please raise your right hand and repeat after me your pledge of office:
"I, having been duly elected/
as an officer of -- (Name) -- Chapter/
do solemnly promise/
to perform/
all the duties of my office/
to the best of my ability,/
and to further/
the principles and ideals of Beta Alpha Psi."
(You may lower your hand.)
Mr./Ms. President, with sincere and high confidence, I turn over to you the leadership of this Chapter. (The outgoing President then places the gavel in the hands of the new President.)
Our congratulations to you.
(All the outgoing officers file by the new officers and shake their hands. Except for the new President, all others sit down in their respective seats. The new President then presides over the rest of the meeting.)
Candidates, you are committed to a scholastic and professional organization dedicated to the advancement of financial information professions. To improve our professions, we must set our standards high. Accordingly, the purposes of Beta Alpha Psi and the Insert your chapter name here Chapter are:
Membership in Beta Alpha Psi is recognition of your scholastic and professional accomplishments. But equally important, membership acknowledges an ability for professional success. Membership imposes upon you the obligation to accept a responsible place in the Organization, and later, in the financial information professions.
Your scholastic records indicate your competence in the technical aspects of financial information. In addition to accounting, finance, business technology and analytics. In addition to technical competence, a successful professional career will require personal and professional qualities. Honesty and intellectual integrity are the foundation upon which financial information professions are built. Your future association with Beta Alpha Psi should help you to identify and develop those qualities necessary for successful professional careers, such as: loyal service, respect for confidence, professional bearing, responsible behavior, and the ability to communicate with others. Again, one of Beta Alpha Psi's goals is to complement your studies as you navigate your respective field of study.
We have reviewed your past accomplishments and have evaluated your future potential. We find you worthy to join us in our endeavors. We expect you to participate fully in our program to build a better Beta Alpha Psi organization and through it a better business community.
Let us consider three personal attributes that will make your membership more successful:
If you practice the attributes of scholarship, responsibility, and tolerance, you will exemplify the ideals for which our Organization stands, and which are fundamental for the well-being of society.
Our Reporter will now explain the meaning of the Organization's emblem.
The emblem of the Beta Alpha Psi denotes the promise of careers for business information professionals. The rising sun signifies these professional positions as rising ever higher among economic activities. The crossed keys symbolize knowledge as a means of opening the doors of the financial world. The letters Beta, Alpha, and Psi denote Scholarship, Social Responsibility, and Practicality, respectively.
Our Treasurer will now administer the pledge of membership.
Having become acquainted with the purposes and responsibilities of membership in Beta Alpha Psi, will you accept them? If so, answer, "I will."
I will.
Please raise your right hand and repeat the membership oath of honor after me.
"I do solemnly promise
that I will abide by the International Constitution
and Chapter Bylaws of Beta Alpha Psi
to the best of my ability.
I further promise to maintain
the highest moral and scholastic standing
and always to foster the ideals
and purposes of Beta Alpha Psi."
You may lower your hand.
(If you have ordered membership certificates early.)
Names read by faculty advisor, membership certificates distributed by the president.
On behalf of Beta Alpha Psi, I now welcome you into the Beta Alpha Psi.
(Officers and present members will individually greet each new member.)
Beta Alpha Psi is a scholastic and professional organization dedicated to the advancement of financial information professions. To improve our professions, we must set our standards high. Accordingly, the purposes of Beta Alpha Psi and the Insert your chapter name here Chapter are:
Honorary Membership in Beta Alpha Psi is recognition of your professional accomplishments, your contribution to the financial information profession and your support of Beta Alpha Psi.
Our organization endeavors to stimulate interest in financial information professions. This can be accomplished in large measure by participation in the activities of this Chapter.
Our vice president, -- (Name) --, will now discuss some of the qualities necessary for a successful professional career which you have demonstrated.
Through your practice in the field of financial information, you have displayed your competence in the technical aspects of the profession. Honesty and intellectual integrity are the foundation upon which financial information professions are built. Your future association with Beta Alpha Psi should help you to identify and develop those qualities necessary for successful professional career, such as: loyal service, respect for confidence, professional bearing, responsible behavior, due regard for personal appearance, and the ability to communicate with others.
We have reviewed your record of past accomplishments and service, and we judge you worthy of honorary membership in our Organization.
Our corresponding secretary, -- (Name) --, will now explain the importance of three personal attributes to the well-being of the accounting profession.
Corresponding Secretary:
You have shown that you recognize the importance of:
If we practice the attributes of scholarship, responsibility, and tolerance, you will exemplify the ideals for which our Organization stands, and which are fundamental for the well-being of society.
Our Reporter, -- (Name) --, will now explain the meaning of the Organization's emblem.
The emblem of the Beta Alpha Psi denotes the promise of careers for business information professionals. The rising sun signifies these professional positions as rising ever higher among economic activities. The crossed keys symbolize knowledge as a means of opening the doors of the financial world. The letters Beta, Alpha, and Psi denote Scholarship, Social Responsibility, and Practicality, respectively.
Our Treasurer will now administer the pledge of membership.
Having become acquainted with the purposes and responsibilities of membership in Beta Alpha Psi, will you accept them? If so, answer, "I will."
I will.
Please raise your right hand and repeat the membership oath of honor after me.
"I, (honorary member's name), /
do solemnly promise/
that I will abide by the Constitution/
and Chapter Bylaws/
of Beta Alpha Psi/
to the best of my ability./
I further promise to maintain/
the highest moral and professional standing/
and always to foster the ideals/
and purposes of Beta Alpha Psi."
(If you have ordered membership certificates early.)
Membership certificates distributed by the president.
On behalf of Beta Alpha Psi, I now welcome you into Beta Alpha Psi.
(Officers and present members will individually greet each new member.)
BAP supports educational excellence while positioning its members for continued success. As as the CEO of the first state CPA society, I can think of no better way to support the accounting profession than by supporting those students and professionals who will enter it through Beta Alpha Psi. It's an honor to partner with and support Beta Alpha Psi!
Calvin Harris
NY State Society of CPAs