Medal of Inspiration Award

Sponsored by the AICPA Foundation

Deadline: Friday, May 2nd, 2025 by 11:59 PM ET


Beta Alpha Psi students are already “good” students. They have strong GPAs, they contribute to their communities through service, and demonstrate a commitment to professional ideals and ethics. We want to encourage them to go the next level and strive to be “great.” An integral part of this encouragement is for students to hear life stories of other students who have been particularly inspirational.


One student will receive the Medal of Inspiration award at the annual meeting and a monetary award of $7,500, given by the AICPA Foundation.


Any student currently enrolled as a junior, senior, or graduate student is eligible to be nominated. 

There are two criteria whereby students can win. First, they may have experienced extreme hardships in their lives in pursuing their education, and demonstrated an unusually high level of success in spite of that adversity. Or, second, they may have done something particularly inspirational in the course of their lives that had a tremendous impact on someone else’s life. Either path is acceptable. Students are encouraged to participate in the program, not to bring honor or glory to themselves, but to inspire students to want to effect on the world around them in a positive way. 

Nomination Process

Current Beta Alpha Psi students can nominate themselves or another current Beta Alpha Psi student. Faculty advisors may also nominate one of their current members.

A successful online nomination includes:

  • Nominee information
  • Essay
  • Signed attestation statements from 3 references confirming essay content
  • Supporting documentation (optional)

Award/Competition Process

One winner will be selected by a panel of Beta Alpha Psi Board and/or BAP Professional Partner members and a representative of the AICPA Foundation.

Winner will be notified by June 6, 2025 and the award will be presented at the 2025 Annual Meeting.

Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

We are excited about our partnership with such a great organization. We admire BAPs commitment to academic excellence and growing the leaders of tomorrow. 

Heather Morgan
Vice President - Financial Support
Republic Services