BAP Professional Partner Representative:
Tricia Andrews, Education Manager

Professional Partner Organization: MYOB

About MYOB:

MYOB is a leading business management platform with a purpose of helping more businesses in Australia and New Zealand start, survive and succeed. MYOB delivers end-to-end business management tools and accounting solutions for SMEs and the mid-market, direct to businesses as well as through a network of accountants, bookkeepers and consultants.

Recognising the importance of providing the next generation of accountants, business owners and technology specialists with both the knowledge and the opportunities to help them achieve success, MYOB is proud to be BAP’s first Oceania Professional Partner Organisation, and work with their chapters in the region to provide tools, training, support and networking opportunities so their members can enter the workforce job-ready.

About Tricia Andrews:

Tricia Andrews enjoys partnering with educators, students & employers to help students transition into the workforce, job ready & aware of the priorities needed for businesses to start, survive & succeed today.  She has extensive experience in sales, advertising, accounting & helping businesses transition online. Tricia is passionate about technology, optimising it’s benefits & helping others on that journey in our fast-paced changing environment.






Representative Contact Information:

Tricia Andrews
+61 418 538 174
LinkedIn profile

Hear what our Professional Partners think about BAP!

NASBA is proud of our partnership with BAP, because the organization's members are among the best and brightest. We believe BAP members are the future leaders of the accounting profession, and we have the opportunity to serve them through our partnership with BAP. NASBA takes pleasure in helping BAP members understand what it takes to start and grow as certified public accountants.

Alfonzo Alexander